This is #281 of a limited printing of 3000 copies of Pourquoi la Guerre? (62 numbered pages), published by the Institut International de Coopération Intellectuelle in March, 1933.
This is one of the french language copies of this first edition, published in French, English and German, of the 1932 correspondence between Albert Einstein (July) and Sigmund Freud (September) regarding the origins and nature of wars. Issued two weeks after the ascension to power of the Nazi regime, with Hitler at its head, this was immediately banned in Germany, with almost all the German-language copies burned by the Nazis.
The cover (app. 6.5″ x 9″) has sunning to its borders, shallow wear to the ends of the more notably sunned spine, and pencil notations to the top of the back cover. There are no deep tears or prominent stains. The lettering and art are unfaded and legible.
The inside is very good, with no stamps or other attachments, no writing or notations. There are a few cracked gutters, but no loose and no missing pages. There is border sunning, which is mostly light, but no other notable stains. There are no page tears and few creases, none of which are significant. The above photos, of this copy, are accurate reflections its conditions.