Libraries are not made; they grow. Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one.
Augustine Birrell
Illustrated Editions
Les Travaux et Les Jours | Hesiode | art by Jacques Villon
This is number 80 of a limited, 200-copy Tériade (Paris) 1962 french language publication. One of the earliest Greek poems (circa 750-650 B.C.) by Hesiode, has, as a principle theme, the concept of labor as an integral, worthwhile and necessary part of the human condition.
This beautiful work was illustrated by Villon and published the year before his death.
King Lear | art by Oscar Kokoschka
This is number 151 of a limited (275 numbered & 4 lettered) publication, by Ganymed Original Editions London, 1963 (see photo for printing particulars), of Shakespeare’s King Lear (109 numbered pages), illustrated and signed by Oskar Kokoschka.
Chant Funèbre Pour Ignacio Sanchez Mejias | Federico Garcia Lorca | art by Abram Krol
This is the 1949 limited edition set of 20 copperplate engravings that incorporate art into the poems of Federico Garcia Lorca, translated into french by Rolland Simon, under the title “Chant Funèbre pour Ignacio Sanchez Mejias”, with the art and engraving of Abram Krol, signed by Krol on the 20th plate.